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Wooden Microwave Oven


Discover endless possibilities with our wooden microwave for children. Beyond being a source of entertainment, this charming wooden microwave offers numerous benefits for young minds. Crafted with safety and sustainability in mind, it’s an eco-friendly playtime companion that nurtures growth, learning, and imaginative exploration.

5 in 1 Painting Easel


Our amazing art easel comes with five interchangeable boards. These include a felt board, a chalk board, a white board, a magnetic board and a clip board. One side features a stationery box with a lid to keep all those treasured art supplies safe and the other side includes a paint pot holder. The height is suitable for kinder to early primary school children. It is made of acacia hardwood with a stained finish for strength and durability. All materials used are child-safe and non-toxic. Let your child freely express their creative side with our 5 in 1 painting easel.